“In my opinion everyone deserves to live an enriched life by unleashing their talents and using their potential for excellence. I have taken upon myself the responsibility to help my clients achieve everything they aspire for. To be able to instil a sense of self-concept in them by creating an image that truly defines their personality traits, preferences, values and beliefs is my greatest ability as an Image Consultant.”

–  Ravija Srivastava

We believe every individual deserves the right to learn, grow and achieve if he/she desires so. RS Image Consultants is a team of experienced professionals with diverse field exposure working on peoples’ PERSONAL BRANDS to facilitate their success in every aspect of their lives. The combined experience of the team enables us to pool in our expertise and design customized solutions that always result in satisfactory transformations. We work at discovering  positive character traits that people inherently possess but are not able to unleash them for want of confidence or ignorance. Thereafter we polish their soft skills and  help them to perform their best in personal and professional lives. During this journey of discovery-transformation-acheivement we take great care to nourish their self image and boost their confidence so that the new skills they acquire, become an inseparable part of their personality and life.

The philosophy of the Company is based on the fact that people make the mistake of assuming that because they live a righteous life, they will appear righteous to others. In fact, it takes thought, effort and time to know exactly what we are, in order to be rightly mirrored for others to see us as we are. Accurate Mirroring, a major goal in Image Management is taken very seriously here. Our philosophy is perfectly portrayed in the design of my logo. Initials of my name R and S are used as mirror images  to enforce the underlying idea that we transform peoples’ lives inside out. Image management is a process of getting better step-by-step and finally Become The Best Version Of YOU!!